5 Ayurvedic Ways to Get Rid of Acne

5 Ayurvedic Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Let’s face it, acne is not the easiest of problems to crack or pop open. Almost all of us must have tried and tested creams, chemicals, and even antibiotics to treat our acne. Unfortunately, the truth remains that these are not permanent remedies we’re looking for. The fact remains that these methods suppress causal factors rather than treating them from the root. 

This is precisely where Ayurveda comes to your rescue. Ayurveda is a way of life. It believes that the cure for every ailment can be found in nature. This ancient medicine system which finds its roots in the Indian subcontinent, has a solution for all kinds of conditions - from very serious to regular, everyday ones. 

The cause of acne in Ayurveda is explained to happen because of the imbalance of pitta dosha in the body, which leads to inflammation and hormonal imbalance. Below we discuss five ayurvedic ways to get rid of acne and ayurvedic treatment of acne due to hormonal imbalance. Keep on reading to know more.

1)    Triphala water

Triphala is made up of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. It is a magic ingredient that helps to treat acne by reducing inflammation, keeping your intestines healthy, and ayurvedic treatment for acne due to hormonal imbalance. Mix a spoonful of Triphala powder in an earthen pot and keep it overnight. Consume it the next day by filtering out the powder and drinking only the water on an empty stomach.

2)    White sandalwood paste

White sandalwood works wonderfully when it comes to treating acne. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it impossible for acne to return if used regularly. Mix some white sandalwood powder in milk (for dry skin) or rosewater (for oily skin) and apply it to your face. Leave it on for thirty minutes and rinse off with cold tap water. It is also one of the best acne scars natural ayurvedic home remedies. 

3)    Neem leaves

The properties of Neem are unbeknownst to none. Neem’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it one of the best solutions to treat acne. Just consume 5-6 Neem leaves directly on an empty stomach. Neem cleanses the body inside out. It purifies the blood, reduces inflammation, and keeps the gut clean and healthy. 

4)    Shatavari powder

Shatavari is known for its hormone-balancing properties. It increases immunity, cleanses the blood, protects collagen, and is an anti-aging agent. Mix some Shatavari powder with milk or water, and consume it two hours before bed.

5)    Tulsi

Tulsi is a beautiful ingredient to treat acne. Its healing properties make it a nectar-like medicine for treating it. Crush some tulsi leaves and apply the paste to your face. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes allowing the skin to absorb it. Rinse it off with cool water.

To Conclude

Acne is an issue that cannot be resolved by suppressing the symptoms. We must adopt a holistic approach to tackle the problem from the root. Maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding inflammatory foods can be a good start. Practice the remedies mentioned above regularly, and watch the acne and acne scars fade away in no time while your skin retains its natural glow.

We encourage you to adopt more natural ways to deal with your acne issue. Medicines will only suppress the symptoms, which means there is a high possibility of them resurfacing again.