5 Tips to Stay Fit in a 9 to 5 Job

5 Tips to Stay Fit in a 9 to 5 Job

The majority of us are leading more unhealthy lifestyles as a result of our 9-5 jobs. We are frequently exhausted, pressed for time, and in a hurry. It seems impossible to keep active and healthy in the little time we have after spending a large chunk of our days in the workplace. This results in us developing certain bad habits or even diseases over time. 

But don't worry, we've got the best tips to stay fit for you! The following are five tips for staying fit while working a 9 to 5 job:

1) Begin an exercise routine in the morning.

Yes, you'll remark that we're already so tired that we can't possibly wake up any earlier than our usual hour. However, we must all begin somewhere! So, start with little steps to wake up early on time and make it a habit to move your body up. To give your body a boost, start with some basic movements and asanas, and then progressively raise the difficulty!

Exercising first thing in the morning will increase your metabolic rate, as well as your physical and mental energy. It will also assist you in developing consistency!

2) Get up from your seat.

Sitting in the same chair for long periods of time without obtaining any fresh air might make your body feel drowsy! Take a walk around the workplace or outside if there is a balcony while you are not working or on a coffee break. Also, go for a stroll when conversing with coworkers! In between, do some neck stretches and eye exercises to keep your mind in check!

3) As much as possible, avoid smoking or drinking:

We prefer to walk outdoors and smoke whenever we casually hang around for tea or coffee breaks, so prevent that! We also take a glass of alcoholic beverage for any office parties or outdoor get-togethers. As tempting as these habits may be, you must put your health ahead of such activities since it is one way to start staying healthy and active!

4) Keep an eye on your posture when you're sitting

We often lay back down and work on our laptops, PCs, or desktops when there isn't a call on. However, this will not assist you or calm you; instead, it will aggravate your posture! 

We've all been told by our parents to sit straight in a chair when eating or studying since we were children, therefore the same principle applies here! Straighten your back.

5) Finish the day with some exercise:

Yes, there is no motivation to exercise left in our bodies as the day draws to a close and all we want to do is curl up and get some rest. But, believe it or not, exercising at the end of the day will not only help you overcome laziness but it will also: 

  • relieve tension 
  • provide better sleep
  • make you more energetic 


So, move that body up to take your mini-steps toward getting fit! Follow these amazing tips to stay fit in your 9 to 5 job and you're all good to go! Also, remember to remain hydrated at all times of the day!