7 signs of an unhealthy gut and how to fix it

Gut Health

The gut, often called the "second brain," is important for our health. It helps with digestion and lets us know if something is not right. Here is where your gut instinct holds its roots. In this exploration, we delve into the subtle yet significant indicators of a malfunctioning digestive system and unravel how these signals impact our holistic well-being.

Take a look at these 7 signs of an unhealthy gut


Take a look at these 7 signs of an unhealthy gut that you might be misreading:

  1. Upset Stomach:
    Recognizing distress signals from the gut is crucial. Symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, and heartburn are distress signals from your gut trying to tell that something is not right. A balanced gut efficiently processes food, minimizing these discomforts. Let's decode the subtleties of these signals and understand what your intuition might be trying to communicate.
  1. High-Sugar Diet:
    The sweet nemesis of your gut is a high-sugar diet. Our food choices can either aid or undermine our digestive tract. Sugary and processed foods act as an enemy to our gut by attacking the population of "good" microorganisms and leading to heightened inflammation—a silent precursor to diseases. Join us on a journey to comprehend how dietary habits influence our delicate internal environment.
  1. Weight Fluctuation:
    The silent battle on the weight scale might be a plea for help from your gut. Unexplained changes in weight, without alterations in diet or exercise, could signify an internal struggle within your gut affecting blood sugar control, effective fat storage, and food absorption. Investigate the correlation between unexpected changes on the scale and intestinal health.
  1. Constant Fatigue or Sleep Disorders:
    Your gut health resonates with your sleep quality. Having an unhealthy gut can impact your sleep habits, leading to chronic fatigue and fragmented sleep. The intricate links between energy levels, metabolic function, and gut health necessitate restoring equilibrium for restful sleep. Learn how enhancing energy levels and maintaining gut health can be achieved through thoughtful supplementation.
  1. Skin Issues:
    The state of your gut often mirrors your skin. Imbalances in gut flora may contribute to conditions such as psoriasis, acne, and deteriorating skin quality, affecting the immune system. Explore the intriguing relationship between gut health and skin health and how caring for your gut positively influences your skin.
  1. Autoimmune Disorders:
    Poor gut health can trigger the body to launch a self-attack. The connection between the stomach and the immune system is crucial. Autoimmune diseases may arise as the body unintentionally attacks itself due to gut health issues. Decipher the importance of a healthy gut as your first line of defense against autoimmune disorders.
  1. Food Intolerances:
    Digestive issues may indicate more than just a sensitive stomach. The underlying cause of symptoms like bloating, gas, and abdominal pain could be poor-quality gut flora. Understand the connection between food intolerances and gut health and how a balanced gut can alleviate stomach discomfort.

Taking care of your gut is essential for overall well-being. By recognizing your gut's warning signals, you can control your health. 

7 dietary changes to help your gut


Here are 7 dietary changes to help your gut get healthier

Probiotics for the Better Gut:

Probiotics simply mean good bacteria that help build a good environment in the gut. These microorganisms are essential for enhancing digestion, controlling the flora in the stomach, and easing typical problems including bloating, gas, and constipation. Incorporating fermented foods, such as yoghurt, into your diet can contribute to a healthy and efficient digestive system. Using supplements for the lack of probiotics is also very helpful.

Controlling your Sweet Tooth:

Reducing the consumption of processed and sugary meals gradually is essential for improving intestinal health. Choose complete, unprocessed options, emphasizing a variety of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. This change in eating patterns reduces inflammation brought on by too much sugar consumption by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria. Replace that sugary snack with a crisp apple or a handful of berries.

Promoting the Absorption of Nutrients:

Consume nutrient-dense foods like leafy greens, lean meats, and whole grains a priority. Essential vitamins and minerals found in these foods promote general health and facilitate the best possible absorption of nutrients. There are several approaches to handling this problem. Including a probiotic supplement in your routine would help to maximize the absorption of nutrients. We suggest you to consult with a physician before making a major dietary change.

Boost Your Antioxidant Intake for Radiant Skin:

Eat a diet high in foods high in antioxidants, such as berries, almonds, and leafy greens. Antioxidants support skin health from the inside out by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Sufficient hydration makes this tactic much more effective. For an extra boost, consider supplementing with gummies, fostering a harmonious gut-skin relationship.

Adding Gut-Friendly Fibres and Spices:
Whole grains, such as brown rice and quinoa, provide a rich supply of nutrients and support a healthy gut flora. Remember to garnish your dish with a variety of fruits and vegetables to provide some colour and vital vitamins and fibre that are important for intestinal health. Legumes and beans add a healthy dose of plant-based protein and fibre to your diet by mixing them into salads or making a thick soup out of them. Adding digestive-friendly herbs and spices to your food improves its flavour and nutritional value. Fennel seeds, ginger, and turmeric help with digestion and reduce bloating. 

Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Better Autoimmune Functioning:

Inflammatory reactions can be decreased by including fruits, vegetables, berries, and omega-3 fatty acids (in walnuts, flaxseeds, and fatty fish) in your diet. Those who manage autoimmune disorders can benefit most from this nutritional approach. For omega-3 fatty acids, you can add salmon to your meals. For vegans, you can have a colourful salad with a variety of vegetables. It is not always possible to prep your healthy meal so adding supplement powder to compensate for the lost nutrient is a great option.

Handling Intolerances to Food:

Keep a thorough food log to spot trends in the relationship between your diet and digestive problems. Foods should be reintroduced one at a time to assess tolerance. Examples include monitoring your body's reaction to gluten or dairy, which can help you identify particular intolerances and modify your diet accordingly.

Some lifestyle changes can set the record right for your gut

Prioritize Rest and Sleep:

Sleeping seven to nine hours a night regularly is essential for digestive health. Limit your caffeine intake in the evening, establish a calming bedtime routine, and make sure your bedroom is cosy. Incorporate relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing exercises to relax yourself and have a restful sleep. Good sleep has a significant impact on general well-being and intestinal health.

Mindful Exercise for Gut Motility:

Take part in activities that enhance your general well-being and help your gut function at its best. Vigorous walking, yoga, or cycling are examples of mindful activity that improves intestinal motility, which promotes effective digestion and waste removal.

Prioritizing Relaxation Techniques:

Understand how stress affects your digestive health and set relaxation as a top priority. To reduce stress and establish a more tranquil environment for your digestive system, incorporate deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, or meditation into your everyday routine.

Establishing Consistent Meal Times:

By establishing regular meal timings, you can provide your digestive system the consistency it needs. Maintaining a regular eating schedule enables your body to anticipate and process food more effectively, which improves digestion.

Progress in this Gut Health Journey

How to Track Your Progress in this Gut Health Journey?

Maintain a Food Journal:

Track your meals, snacks, and how you feel after eating. This can help identify patterns between your dietary choices and digestive well-being.

Observe Gut Health Indicators:

Pay attention to signs like changes in bowel habits, bloating, or discomfort. Documenting these observations allows you to pinpoint areas that may need adjustment in your gut health journey.

Consult Healthcare Professionals:

If persistent issues arise or you need personalized guidance, consult with healthcare professionals, such as a nutritionist or gastroenterologist. They can provide insights and tailored recommendations based on your specific needs.

Adapt Your Plan Accordingly:

Be flexible and willing to adapt your meal plan and wellness routine based on your body's responses. Every individual is unique, and adjustments may be necessary to achieve optimal gut health.

Scientific Studies Sharing Insights on Gut Health

Research has shed light on the complicated dance that occurs between our digestive system and general health, providing important insights into the small but significant signals that come from this sophisticated network. The journals that focus on gut health and related fields are like gold mines of information, explaining how our lifestyle choices, diets, and the delicate balance of our gut flora influence how this important organ functions.


Relevant Journals

Key Findings

Probiotics and Gut Health

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Research in these journals has shown that probiotics play a crucial role in improving gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria. This contributes to enhanced digestion, regulation of stomach flora, and alleviation of digestive issues.

Diet and Inflammation

Frontiers in Immunology

Studies in these journals highlight the impact of dietary choices on gut inflammation. Diets rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components have been associated with reduced inflammation in the digestive tract, positively influencing overall health.

Fiber and Digestive Wellness

The American Journal of Gastroenterology

Scientific findings reveal that a diet high in fibre supports gut health by improving motility, promoting a diverse microbiota, and preventing digestive discomfort. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables contribute to a flourishing gut environment.

Sleep Quality and Gut Health

The Journal of Sleep Research

These journals delve into the intricate connection between sleep quality and gut health. Disruptions in sleep patterns, such as insomnia or poor sleep quality, have been linked to disturbances in digestive function, emphasizing the importance of restful sleep.

Skin Health and Gut Connection

The Journal of Investigative Dermatology

Research suggests that imbalances in gut flora can contribute to skin conditions. Studies explore how a healthy gut microbiome positively influences skin health, potentially reducing the severity of conditions like psoriasis and acne.

Autoimmune Diseases and Gut Health

The Journal of Autoimmunity

These journals provide insights into how poor gut health may trigger autoimmune diseases. The connection between the gut and the immune system is explored, highlighting the role of a healthy gut in preventing the onset of autoimmune disorders.

Food Intolerances and Gut Health

The American Journal of Gastroenterology

Scientific literature in these journals discusses the relationship between food intolerances and gut health. Findings emphasize the importance of maintaining a detailed food journal to identify specific intolerances and inform dietary adjustments.


  1. Healthline. (n.d.). Gut Health: What It Is, Why It Matters. Retrieved January 9, 2024, from https://www.healthline.com/health/gut-health#_noHeaderPrefixedContent
  2. 1MD. (n.d.). 7 Signs & Symptoms of an Unhealthy Gut and How to Fix It. Retrieved January 9, 2024, from https://1md.org/article/7-signs-symptoms-unhealthy-gut
  3. Everyday Health. (n.d.). 7 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut and How to Fix It. Retrieved January 9, 2024, from https://www.everydayhealth.com/digestive-health/signs-of-unhealthy-gut-and-how-to-fix-it/