Cotton-ball Diet: To Follow or Avoid?

Cotton-ball Diet: To Follow or Avoid?

Many things must have come to your mind when you heard the name of this diet: the cotton-ball diet! Do we need to consume a cotton ball as part of this diet? Or maybe it's simply the name, but it implies something else since, after all, why do we need to eat cotton to keep in shape, right?

You're also wondering whether you should try it once or leave it alone. We will answer all your questions here:

What is the cotton-ball diet, exactly?

You may eat up to five cotton balls dipped in orange juice, lemonade, or a smoothie in one sitting. The goal is to feel satisfied without putting on weight. Some dieters eat the fluffy fillers before a meal to cut down on their food intake, while others eat cotton balls.

As the name implies, it's hazardous since eating cotton as food is like eating your clothing. 

Why was the diet in trend? 

Observations suggest that teen and adolescent females following the cotton ball diet claimed to have prevented weight gain because they don't consume much. There were YouTube videos dedicated to people attempting the cotton ball diet. Mainly they were created by females aged 9 to 16. Everybody knew that the goal here was not to keep healthy or active, but to lose weight and reach the ideal weight and size, or the 'zero-size figure'! 

Significant hazards of the diet: 

  1. Intestinal blockage and bezoars 

Aside from the dangers of choking and hunger, the procedure may block the digestive system forming blockages known as a bezoar. Food and liquids are unable to flow through an intestinal blockage. It can lead to the demise of healthy tissues and infection if left untreated. A medical emergency is an intestinal blockage. Surgical removal of bezoars is required.

  1. Psychological eating disorders 

Anorexia nervosa is an eating and psychiatric illness characterized by a severe fear of gaining weight. People with anorexia often go to dangerous lengths to reduce weight and keep it off. This involves hunger on a cotton-ball diet.

  1. Toxic effects and malnourishment

Cotton balls aren't made from pure cotton that has been harvested from an organically produced plant. Bleach and other chemicals are frequently used to process the fibres. Dioxins are produced as a result of this procedure. In addition, long-term malnutrition, such as that caused by disordered eating, can raise the risk of infection and even fatality.

So, what precisely are your responsibilities?

You should avoid attempting this diet because the only thing visible when following it is the word "DIE." The following are some healthy alternatives:

Switching to a plant-based diet is significantly more nutritious and effective and offers additional benefits.

  • Begin with a nutrient-dense, easy-to-follow liquid diet.
  • Detoxification and regular exercise should be part of your everyday routine.
  • Eating a well-balanced and calorie-controlled diet.
  • If you wish to lose weight, cut back on the cotton balls and replace them with healthy options such as 5-9 servings (about half a cup) of fruits and non-starchy vegetables.

To reduce weight or stay in shape over time, you must eat well and exercise often. Trying diets like the cotton-ball diet should never be an option since they are ineffective and hazardous!