Plant Based Diet on a Budget: Tips and Sample Diet

plant based diets on a budget

Most of us want to start eating a plant-based diet instead of regular foods, but you are hesitant since you might have heard some rumors that they are healthy and replaceable but are very expensive, right? 

Don't worry: eating a plant-based diet on a budget is possible. There's no reason why you should stop eating nutritious and tasty food, and no, it won't cost you an arm and a leg. All you have to do is follow a few of these tips, and voila! 

  • Does a plant based diet require special ingredients?

People sometimes assume that a plant-based diet demands the use of special ingredients.

But the fact is that beans, legumes, nuts, tofu, vegetables, fruit, and whole grains will be sufficient. These goods are frequently less expensive than our normal packaged foods, and they can also be more nutritious.

  • Is it mandatory to buy at an inconvenient (and expensive) natural foods store since I eat plant-based? 

Everything you need for a healthy, low-cost diet may be found in your local grocery shops or superstores. There's no reason to go shopping somewhere fancy if you already shop for groceries. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains purchased from a natural foods shop or a big-box retailer are both healthy. 

  • Plan and buy your meals accordingly.

Always plan your day's meals and the upcoming plans to prepare first the fresh items that are very near their shelf life and need to be used prior to when they get rotten and wasted.

Doing this, you can save yourself from wasting the already bought food and money which you will spend on similar items when buying once again. 

In addition, the supermarkets do follow the 'sell by date' on the food product. To reduce food wastage—which is a good thing since we don't want nutritious, edible goods to be thrown away and wind up in a landfill—they will mark the food down before the "sell by" date in the hopes that you will buy it so they don't have to trash it. Buy these healthful items at a discount and either eat them right away or save them in your freezer for later.

  • Budget your time and money.

Save your time and money. As much as we enjoy saving money, our most important asset is our time. So saving time is a very real component of budgeting. When you plan ahead of time, you can save time in stores and at home.

Rather than wasting time (and patience) peeling and mincing your garlic, consider purchasing minced garlic. Rather than soaking beans at home, opt for canned beans. Avoid peeling carrots and potatoes. Consume the nutrient-rich outer layers while also saving time in the process. Make a food plan ahead of time and have breakfast ready to go in the morning. 

  • Don’t know where to start from? 

Now that you know how to keep your diet budget-friendly, how do you construct the list and where to begin with, or how to make the plan? No need to worry, we've got you covered: 

Here are some suggestions for your next budget-friendly grocery list: 

  1. Beans 
  2. Peas
  3. Lentils
  4. Potatoes
  5. Carrots
  6. Corn
  7. Onions
  8. Pepper
  9. Garlic
  10. Vegetables
  11. Bananas
  12. Oranges
  13. Tomato sauce
  14. Tomato paste
  15. Peanut butter
  16. Oatmeal
  17. Rice 

A bonus tip: You can also check out some budget-friendly plant-based recipes on the web which will be extremely helpful in referring to them and planning your future meals! 

Happy budget eating!