The Healthiest Herbs and Spices to Add to Your Diet

The Healthiest Herbs and Spices to Add to Your Diet

Herbs and spices are what add flavor and color to the food we love and eat. They make food appealing to our eyes and taste buds alike. They are almost like magic ingredients that can liven up any recipe.

Spices and herbs have acquired an important place in the world's food history. While some were credited for their medicinal properties, others were hailed for their culinary wonders. Modern-day studies have suggested that herbs and spices carry some remarkable benefits. The best thing about condiments is that none can be classified as 'unhealthy spices' or 'unhealthy herbs'. Each of them carry excellent health benefits alike. 

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the healthiest spices and herbs you can include in your meals and their benefits. Read on to know more. 

  1. Carom seeds

Carom seeds are a popular Indian spice used in a plethora of dishes. Also known as 'ajwain', carom seeds are consumed for all their medical benefits. Although bitter, carom seeds are used in several meals for their aroma. They are a rich source of protein, fibre, and calcium. Including carom seeds in your diet can help aid in digestion and ease stomach aches and toothaches. 

  1. Black cumin

Black cumin is a godsend for those suffering from autoimmune diseases. Studies have found them to be superior to other natural remedies when treating autoimmune disorders. Black cumin seed oil aids in easing asthma and respiratory-related conditions and allergies. They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and beneficial acids that help strengthen the immune system. 

  1. Cumin

Cumin is another popular spice used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines. Just like carom seeds, it is also a bitter-tasting spice. The benefits of cumin include:

  • Aiding in easing digestive issues.
  • Curing anemia.
  • Reducing respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis.

A spoonful of cumin seeds in a glass full of water is still used as a natural remedy to ease an upset stomach in many Indian households to date. 

  1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a fan favourite spice used all around the world. Cinnamon carries a lot of health benefits, besides the aromatic smell and authentic taste that it gives to the dishes. It is anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants. Including cinnamon in your diet can help lower LDL cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Moreover, this spice is a great immunity booster.

  1. Cardamom

Cardamom finds its origins in India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Indonesia. Popularly known as 'elaichi', cardamom makes the third most expensive spice in the world. It is an abundant vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, and zinc. Including cardamom in your diet can help improve digestion and oral hygiene, prevent diabetes, enhance mood, ease respiratory issues, and prevent blood clots and skin infections. 

  1. Saffron

Saffron was a luxurious spice staple in royal households in olden times. It is the most expensive spice in the world and carries several benefits for skin and health. Saffron helps in managing asthma and aiding in menstrual issues. Moreover, saffron is a boon for curing skin-related problems like dry skin, healing cut and burn wounds, treating hair loss, and lightening skin tone. 

  1. Holy Basil

A sacred herb in India, holy basil isn't the regular basil that we all know of. Including this herb in your diet can help prevent infections and curb the growth of bacteria, and yeasts. It also aids in boosting the immune system along with treating anxiety and anxiety-related depression. 

  1. Rosemary

Rosemary is rich in an ingredient known as rosmarinic acid. Studies have shown that rosmarinic acid helps curb nasal congestion and allergic symptoms. It boosts the immune system while relieving a blocked nose and easing allergy responses. 

Final thoughts

The importance of herbs and spices is not only limited to their ability to make food tasty. They also provide a slew of health benefits. Include them in your diet to spice up your nutrition game.