Top 6 Side Effects of Skipping Meals

side effects of skipping meals


We are sometimes overly engrossed with contemporary life to the point where we miss meals to save time. Skipping meals is bad for our weight and health, and it should never become a habit - no matter how busy we are or how bad the traffic is. Here are the top 6 side effects of skipping meals. 

  1. Your Digestion Might Become Very Unusual

It's possible that skipping meals can cause nausea and diarrhea, as well as constipation. The stress reaction created by the body when you go too long between meals might irritate the digestive tract and make your toilet excursions unpredictable, similar to when you're stressed. And if you're in a vicious cycle of missing meals and then binge eating, your digestion will be further hampered. Listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues, as well as consuming fiber-rich plant foods, will help you reestablish appropriate digestive patterns.

  1. You Might Lose a Lot of Energy

Consider how dreadful you feel when you're hungry: these enormous changes in blood sugar aren't good for your energy levels. Furthermore, our brains function on glucose (which we obtain from carbs), so don't expect to breeze through your morning workout or the rest of your day without them.

You'll be dragging if you skip a meal since your body will have fewer calories to run on. If you haven't eaten in a while, you shouldn't try to burn calories through exercise since it will just have the opposite effect in the long run.

  1. Strong food cravings for sugar and carbohydrates

One of the side effects of having low blood sugar and ignoring your hunger and fullness cues might be severe cravings, particularly for simple carbohydrates and sugar. Both of these provide rapid, brief bursts of energy, which is exactly what your body is looking for right now. This makes it much harder for you to avoid junk and desserts, which is linked to an increase in the chance of suffering from obesity. 

  1. Could cause anxiety

Skipping meals or spending too long without eating might be harmful to your mental health. Your blood sugar lowers when you go too long without eating, prompting your body to create cortisol (the stress hormone). This can make you anxious, irritable, ruffled, and maybe also give you headaches.

  1. Nutrient Deficiency Threat

For a variety of causes, skipping meals can also cause nutritional deficits. First and foremost, skipping a meal means foregoing the opportunity to provide your body with the dozens of important nutrients it needs to survive. Furthermore, giving in to refined-carb desires after a lengthy period of fasting may temporarily satisfy your hunger, but these meals lack the substance necessary to genuinely fuel your body. While carbohydrates are an important element of the human diet, we should emphasize healthy grains, fruit, and legumes over sweets and white bread (which should be eaten in moderation).

  1. You are unable to sustain weight decrease over time

Think twice if you think skipping a meal is a good approach to sustaining weight reduction. Sure, you'll eat fewer calories naturally, but there's a strong chance you'll give in to your desires and binge on bad foods, which may lead to a hazardous yo-yo dieting cycle and increase your weight in the long run. Your body will store what it can and won't burn calories effectively if your meal timings are so erratic.


While skipping meals on occasion is OK, doing so regularly can have side effects on your health and lead to nutritional deficiencies. If you're really short on time, try the on-the-go supply6 meals, which is an incredibly quick and simple way to deliver the healthy nutrients your body looks for in a meal.