What happens to your body when you skip meals?

What happens to your body when you skip meals?

We are often unduly preoccupied with modern life, and we even try to save time by skipping meals sometimes. 

Whether we are busy or stopped in traffic, skipping meals is terrible for our health. It has terrible repercussions, we get too hungry and end up overeating, not because we are too tired to exercise, but because our bodies are built to survive. When we are overly hungry, we eat as though there is just a little food left! 

What's wrong with skipping meals? 

  • It slows down the body's metabolic rates
  • Reduces our energy use 
  • Can lead to weight gain if we eat the same quantity of food as usual
  • Leaves us with less energy since our bodies have run out of food-derived fuel
  • Makes us sleepy and sluggish
  • Makes us feel weak and unsteady
  • Gives us headaches

Does skipping meals help you lose weight?

Many people believe that skipping meals during the day will aid in weight loss. However, remember that skipping meals and going without food for days will not help you lose weight, and can rather harm your health and energy levels!

However, we feel best when we eat healthy foods every 4-6 hours while awake. Although eating small, frequent meals actually helps us to lose weight!

Extreme fasting or intermittent fasting are two terms used to describe missing meals. Intermittent fasting is a good technique to lose weight, but it should be done under the supervision of a dietician or doctor.

And if you don't, you could suffer anxiety, have strong food cravings—especially for sugar and carbs, be at risk for nutrient deficiencies, have really irregular digestion, lose interest in daily tasks, and many other unintended consequences!

How can you avoid skipping meals?

- Rather than skipping meals, eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.

- Keep a snack handy, such as yogurt or granola bars, to tide you over until your next meal.

- Snack on protein and fiber-rich foods. They will keep you satiated for longer.

- Take advantage of Supply6 on-the-go nourishing meal shakes, which are high in nutrients and time-saving due to their ease of preparation.

- Plan ahead of time or prepare your meals the night before.

- Make a weekly agenda to prevent being overbooked or falling behind.

- If you're going to be rushing about all day, set an alarm for lunchtime.

Make a lunch reservation. If you have arranged arrangements with friends or family, you cannot skip a meal.

BONUS TIP: If you want to stay healthy, you must stick to a diet and consume the right number of nutrients. To make your meals nutritious and satisfying, include protein-rich foods, calcium-rich foods, fruits and vegetables, certain bread and cereals, and healthy fats and oils. You may also include plant-based meals into your daily routine to keep healthy while also reducing animal cruelty!

Now that you know that skipping meals is bad for your health as well as your energy levels, stay away from it! Furthermore, it would be detrimental to your weight rather than beneficial. So eat well and remain healthy!