What Happens When You Skip Lunch?

what happens when you skip lunch

Do you think skipping lunch or other meals will help you maintain your weight loss or fitness goals? You're off base! You might believe you're burning calories, but your metabolism is really being harmed!

The difference between fasting to manage urges and practicing mindful eating and skipping meals to punish or starve yourself—or because you're too busy to eat—is significant. Generally speaking, skipping meals is bad for your body. Continue reading to learn more about the negative effects of skipping lunch on your health:

Why should you not skip lunch? 

Your body is a system that requires something to function, and denying it of that essential thing-food, has an impact on your digestive system as well as your mood. 

Glucose, which your body obtains as it digests food, is the brain's functioning source. When your brain isn't getting enough glucose- concentration becomes challenging and you experience moodiness, irritability, and sluggishness. 

Your brain also finds it far more difficult to store new knowledge and retrieve previously stored information. That makes academic success for young people considerably more challenging.

Not only does glucose-dependent bodily function occur in the brain. You also utilize it in your muscles, thyroid, digestive system, and other organs. You'll experience low energy and trouble engaging in physical activity if you're hungry. 

As a means of conserving energy, your body will start to slow down or even stop unnecessary tasks. Your metabolism and digestion will thus slow down. Your body will digest food more slowly the following time you eat. Due to all of this, missing lunch can easily result in weight gain.

Adverse effects of skipping lunch

Being unaware of the value of taking a break for lunch might hinder your afternoon productivity and potentially lead to nighttime overeating or stress eating later in the day. The following are some consequences of skipping lunch:

1. Subsequent overeating 

There is a physiological explanation for why, if we don't eat as required throughout the day, we tend to make up for it later by overindulging in evening snacks. You should pay attention to your meals throughout the day to reduce your likelihood of overeating at other times.

2. Feeling drained and lethargic

Your brain will actually spin if you skip lunch and don't eat enough during the day. You could start to feel weak, lightheaded, and even like you're about to faint. The decrease in blood glucose is to blame for this. When we don't feed our brains, the body may get the message that it's time to save energy. 

Due to this, if you decide to practice intermittent fasting, you must ensure that you do it correctly—on a fixed schedule—and that when you do eat, you choose foods that will keep you full for the duration of the fasting intervals.

3. You may be deficient in essential nutrients

You now understand that skipping lunch increases the likelihood that you'll make poor eating decisions later in the day. You risk depriving your body of the nutrition it needs if you work nonstop or don't stop for even lunch. B vitamins, abundant in many fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and protein sources, are essential for our body's ability to produce energy. 

For healthy brain function, it's vital to consume additional nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, and vitamin D.  By skipping lunch, you risk missing out on such crucial nutrients!

4. Long-term weight loss is difficult for you to maintain

Think again if you believe missing a meal would help you keep the weight off. Naturally, you'll eat fewer calories, but there's a considerable possibility you'll give in to your desires and overindulge in unhealthy foods.

5. Your mood won't be the best

When you frequently skip lunch, your blood sugar levels fall. Your mood may be significantly impacted by this. You may experience hunger and rage at the same time after skipping lunch. People who have extremely low blood sugar levels frequently choose excessively fatty or sweet foods because their bodies begin to want them.

Tips to avoid skipping lunch

A way to ensure that you avoid skipping lunch is to plan your time before coming to work and prepare a perfect meal of your choice beforehand. This will prevent you from having a lunch that you just ate out of hunger and that will do you no good. You can also plan breaks to have your lunch between your work with your go-to work partners or coworkers.

Wrapping up 

Occasionally skipping lunch is okay, but persistently doing so can have a detrimental influence on your health and result in nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, because all of your attention is on eating, you are unable to perform at your best. Therefore, remember to have your lunch on time.